Tractor Run in Memory of Seán ‘Smiley’ O’Reilly

On Sunday 3rd April a memorial ‘Tractor Run’ was held  for Sean O’Reilly. Sean lost his life tragically last year and his family and a large group of his friends arranged a tractor run in his memory, with all monies raised being donated to local charities The Kingscourt Cancer Fund and Bailieboro Cancer Care.

A huge amount of people registered to take part in the run, starting out in Tierworker and taking in Cormeen, Kingscourt and Bailieboro, finishing up back in Tierworker.  An estimated 240 tractors took part with a further 60 vintage cars, and a number of lorries and motor cycles, making about 325 taking part in total.  All participants were treated to refreshments back in the Community Hall in Tierworker which were provided by the hard working local ladies and volunteers.

The Committees for both Kingscourt and Bailieboro Cancer Care Groups would like to express their thanks to the O’Reilly family and to the organizing committee for arranging the run.  To all the people who took part, to anyone who sponsored prizes, to all the ladies who provided food and generally to anyone who gave their time and energy in making the tractor run the success it was.  It was a fitting tribute to Sean and we appreciate all the effort involved.